Founded in 2019, SIPAB is a social enterprise and an affiliate of Shout Africa Foundation, a non-profit-organization, which focuses on creating awareness, providing training and running advocacy on social issues in the educational and public health space in Africa.
Our vision is to assist in the growth of African women and youth owned businesses through our initiatives and collaborative efforts with key stakeholders.
The goal of SIPAB is to bridge the resources gap that hinders the growth of small and medium size businesses in Africa, specifically women and youth owned businesses.
This will be done by
EVENT DATE: Thursday, 27th October to Saturday, 29th October 2022
VENUE: Afrotopia, Hamburg Germany
The objective of the Exhibition and Business Networking Conference is to create a platform for African entrepreneurs (start-ups) to connect with European entrepreneurs and consumers by:
The SIPAB focusses on businesses in the following industry sectors:
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